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Home » Useful Mnemonic for State boundaries for UPSC

Useful Mnemonic for State boundaries for UPSC

Welcome to the geographical tapestry of India, where state boundaries delineate the diverse landscapes, cultures, and histories that make up the nation’s rich tapestry. For UPSC aspirants, understanding the boundaries of Indian states isn’t just about memorizing maps; it’s about grasping the socio-economic, cultural, and political dynamics that shape regional identities and governance. In this blog series, we embark on an enlightening journey through the borders of Indian states, armed with the invaluable tool of mnemonics. Mnemonics offer a structured approach to memorization, enabling aspirants to retain and recall key details about state boundaries effortlessly.

Boundary with Bhutan

Mnemonic: SAAB

S- Sikkim
A- Arunachal Pradesh
A- Assam
B- West Bengal

Boundary with Myanmar

Mnemonic: AruNA MaMi

Aru- Arunachal Pradesh
Na- Nagaland
Ma- Manipur
Mi- Mizoram

Boundary with China

Mnemonic: JSA (Just Seek Adventure)

J- Jammu and Kashmir + Ladakh
S- Sikkim
A- Arunachal Pradesh

Boundary with Pakistan

Mnemonic: Jammu Kashmir me PaRleyG

P for Punjab
R for Rajasthan
G for Gujarat
JK for Jammu & Kashmir

Boundary with Nepal

Mnemonic: Umbrellas Usually Block Wet Showers (UUBWS)

U: Uttarakhand
U: Uttar Pradesh
B: Bihar
W: West Bengal
S: Sikkim

Boundary with Bangladesh

Mnemonic: AWM 2T

A: Assam
W: West Bengal
M: Mizoram
M: Meghalaya
T: Tripura

Also read about Mnemonics for Neighbouring countries.

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