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UPSC PYQ on Biodiversity

Biodiversity in India and around World is important part of environment and its syllabus. Previous Year Question (PYQ) papers are invaluable resources for aspirants preparing for competitive exams like the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) examinations. In this article we present important PYQ on biodiversity .

PYQ on Biodiversity

Q- With reference to “Gucchi” sometimes mentioned in the news, consider the following statements: (2022)

  1. It is a fungus.
  2. It grows in some Himalayan forest areas.
  3. It is commercially cultivated in the Himalayan foothills of north-eastern India.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

(a) 1 only

(b) 3 only

(c) 1 and 2

(d) 2 and 3

Answer- Option C


Statement 1: Correct. Guchhi mushroom belongs to the Morchellaceae family of the Ascomycota phylum. It features a pale yellow coloration with prominent pits and ridges on the cap’s surface, elevated on a large white stem.

Statement 2: Correct. Guchhi mushrooms are cultivated in the foothills of the Himalayas, primarily in regions such as Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, and Jammu and Kashmir.

Statement 3: Incorrect. Contrary to the statement, Guchhi mushrooms can indeed be cultivated commercially. They typically grow in conifer forests across various temperature regions. While it may take months for villagers to gather sufficient quantities of these mushrooms and prepare them for market, they offer numerous health benefits. Guchhi mushrooms are notably rich in potassium, vitamins, and copper, serving as a good source of vitamin D and various B-vitamins as well.

Q- Which of the following is not a bird? (2022)

(a) Golden Mahseer

(b) Indian Nightjar

(c) Spoonbill

(d) White Ibis

Answer- Option A


The Golden Mahseer, a type of cyprinid fish, is renowned for its strength and resilience among freshwater sport fish. The name “Mahseer” originates from “mahi” meaning fish and “sher” meaning tiger, reflecting its reputation as the tiger among fish. This large cyprinid species is highly esteemed among anglers for its toughness and fighting prowess.

Q- Which of the following are nitrogen-fixing plants? (2022)

  1. Alfalfa
  2. Amaranth
  3. Chickpea
  4. Clover
  5. Purslane (Kulfa)
  6. Spinach

Select the correct answer using the code given below:

(a) 1, 3 and 4 only

(b) 1, 3, 5 and 6 only

(c) 2, 4, 5 and 6 only

(d) 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6

Answer- Option A


Nitrogen fixation involves converting atmospheric nitrogen (N2) into more reactive compounds such as nitrates, nitrites, or ammonia.

Certain plants have the ability to fix nitrogen naturally, providing a sustainable source of nitrogen for plants without causing harm to the environment. Examples of nitrogen-fixing plants include clovers, vetches, and peas, which are commonly utilized by farmers worldwide, particularly in the US Southern Great Plains region.

Peas and beans are versatile nitrogen-fixing crops that can be used either as cover crops during the summer or harvested for food. By incorporating these plants into agricultural practices, the soil is enriched with nitrogen suitable for plant growth.

Various types of beans, including fava, alfalfa, green, runner, field, sweet, peanuts, soybeans, cream, black-eyed, purple-hulled beans, lupins, lentils, and cowpeas, also possess nitrogen-fixing capabilities and contribute to soil fertility.

Q- Certain species of which one of the following organisms are well known as cultivators of (2022)


(a) Ant

(b) Cockroach

(c) Crab 

(d) Spider

Answer- Option A


The attine ants comprise over 200 species that employ various agricultural methods to cultivate mutualistic fungi in specialized fungus gardens. Unlike the fungi cultivated by lower attines, those tended by leaf-cutting ants have lost the capacity to grow independently and rely entirely on the ants for their reproduction. Additionally, these fungi generate nutrient-rich structures that serve as food for the ants, akin to the fruits and vegetables cultivated by humans. In essence, the fungi have been domesticated by the ants.

Q- Consider the following kinds of organisms: (2021)
1. Copepods
2. Cyanobacteria
3. Diatoms
4. Foraminifera

Which of the above are primary producers in the food chains of oceans?
(a) 1 and 2
(b) 2 and 3
(c) 3 and 4
(d) 1 and 4

Answer- Option B


Primary producers are organisms capable of synthesizing their own food through processes such as photosynthesis or chemosynthesis.

Option 1: Incorrect. Copepods are small crustaceans present in various aquatic habitats and are significant primary consumers in the ocean. While they primarily feed on plant plankton, they are not primary producers themselves.

Option 2: Correct. Cyanobacteria, also known as blue-green algae, are microscopic organisms found in diverse aquatic environments. They serve as primary producers, utilizing sunlight to produce their own food.

Option 3: Correct. Diatoms are photosynthetic algae found in both freshwater and marine environments. They play a vital role as primary producers in the oceanic food chain.

Option 4: Incorrect. Foraminifera are single-celled organisms prevalent in marine environments. They are heterotrophic organisms that consume smaller organisms and organic matter, making them consumers rather than primary producers.

Q- Consider the following animals (2021)
1. Hedgehog
2. Marmot
3. Pangolin
To reduce the chance of being captured by predators, which of the above organisms rolls up/roll up and protects/protect its/their vulnerable parts?
(a) 1 and 2
(b) 2 only
(c) 3 only
(d) 1 and 3

Answer- Option D


Option 1: Correct. Hedgehogs are small, spiny nocturnal mammals. When threatened or annoyed, they roll into a ball to expose their sharp spines, deterring predators.

Option 2: Incorrect. Marmots are large ground squirrels found in various regions across Asia, Europe, and North America. Unlike hedgehogs, they do not roll up into a protective ball when threatened.

Option 3: Correct. Pangolins, despite being mammals, are covered in scales and use them as defense against predators. They curl into a tight ball when threatened, utilizing their sharp-scaled tails for protection.

Q- Which one of the following is a filter feeder? (2021)

(a) Catfish
(b) Octopus
(c) Oyster
(d) Pelican

Answer- Option C


Oysters are natural filter feeders that effectively capture particles as small as 4 micrometers on their gills. Their gills serve as filters that are self-cleaning in nature.

Q- Which of the following are detritivores? (2021)

1. Earthworms
2. Jellyfish
3. Seahorse
4. Woodlice
Select the correct answer using the code given below
(a) 1, 2 and 4 only
(b) 2, 3, 4 and 4 only
(c) 1, 3 and 5 only
(d) 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5

Answer- Option C


Earthworms, millipedes, and woodlice are examples of detritivores, which also encompass microorganisms like bacteria and fungi, invertebrate insects such as mites, beetles, butterflies, and flies, as well as mollusks like slugs and snails. These detritivores play a vital role in decomposing organic matter in ecosystems.

On the other hand, jellyfish and sea horses are predominantly carnivorous animals, with jellyfish primarily feeding on other marine organisms and sea horses also primarily consuming animal prey.

Q- Which of the following have species that can establish a symbiotic relationship with other organisms? (2021)

1. Cnidarians
2. Fungi
3. Protozoa

Select the correct answer using the code given below:
(a) 1 and 2 only
(b) 2 and 3 only
(c) 1 and 3 only
(d) 1, 2 and 3

Answer- Option D


Statement 1: Correct. Cnidaria is an invertebrate phylum known for its involvement in symbiotic relationships, often with unicellular dinoflagellate algae known as zooxanthellae.

Statement 2: Correct. Certain fungi establish symbiotic relationships within plant roots, where the plant provides nutrients in exchange for water and specific nutrients from the fungus. Additionally, fungi form symbiotic relationships with algae to create lichens.

Statement 3: Correct. Protozoa also engage in symbiotic relationships with other organisms. These relationships typically involve mutualistic associations between protozoans and unicellular symbionts like bacteria, cyanobacteria, or unicellular algae. Additionally, protozoans can form symbiotic relationships with multicellular organisms such as ruminants, lower termites, wood-eating cockroaches, and plants.

Q- In nature, which of the following is/are most likely to be found surviving on a surface without soil? (2021)
1. Fern
2. Lichen
3. Moss
4. Mushroom

Select the correct answer using the code given below

(a) 1 and 4 only
(b) 2 only
(c) 2 and 3
(d) 1, 3 and 4

Answer- Option C


1) Lichens require specific conditions in their habitats, including water, air, nutrients, light, and substrates. They typically grow on various surfaces known as substrates, ranging from trees and rocks to human-made objects like houses, tombstones, and vehicles. While trees and rocks are common natural substrates, lichens can attach and grow on almost any stationary surface.

2) Mosses are non-flowering plants that reproduce through spores and lack true roots. Instead, they absorb nutrients through rhizoids or absorb moisture and minerals from rain and surrounding water through their highly absorbent surfaces. Mosses often grow on trees, utilizing atmospheric water and nutrients, but they can also thrive indoors with proper care.

3) Ferns belong to a group of vascular plants with xylem and phloem, typically growing in soil. They inhabit specific habitats, including moist, shady forests; crevices in rock faces shielded from direct sunlight; acidic wetlands like bogs and swamps; and tropical trees.

4) A mushroom, or toadstool, serves as the fleshy, spore-bearing reproductive structure of a fungus. These structures typically emerge above ground, either on soil or on the fungus’s food source.

Q- With reference to Indian elephants, consider the following statements: (2020)

  1. The leader of an elephant group is a female
  2. The maximum gestation period can be 22 months
  3. An elephant can normally go on calving till the age of 40 years only
  4. Among the States in India, the highest elephant population is in Kerala

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

(a) 1 and 2 only

(b) 2 and 4 only

(c) 3 only

(d) 1, 3 and 4 only

Answer- Option A


The matriarch, typically the oldest female, assumes leadership within an elephant group, guiding them in search of food and water, validating statement 1.
The gestation period for breeding pairs lasts approximately 22 months, resulting in the birth of a single offspring, with the herd’s females providing protective support during the birthing process, affirming statement 2.
Contrary to statement 3, the average lifespan of an elephant is approximately 70 years, and adulthood generally begins at around 18 years of age.
Statement 4 is inaccurate as Karnataka, among the southern Indian states, boasts the highest elephant population, with 6,049 individuals, followed by Kerala.

Q- With reference to India’s biodiversity, Ceylon Frogmouth, Coppersmith Barbet, Gray Chinned Minivet and White-throated Redstart are (2020)

(a) Birds

(b) Primates

(c) Reptiles

(d) Amphibians

Answer- Option C


The Ceylon Frogmouth, also referred to as the Sri Lanka Frogmouth, is a bird species that inhabits the Western Ghats. It holds a status of least concern according to the IUCN. Its scientific name is Batrachostomus moniliger. The Coppersmith Barbet, also known as the Crimson-breasted Barbet, is a bird species found across the entire Indian Subcontinent. It is classified as least concerned by the IUCN. Its scientific name is Psilopogon haemacephalus.
The Grey Chinned Minivet is a bird species found from the Himalayas to China, with a least concerned status according to the IUCN. Its biological name is Pericrocotus Solaris.
The White-throated Redstart is a bird species found in India, Nepal, Bhutan, and China. It is also categorized as least concerned by the IUCN. Its scientific name is Phoenicurus schisticeps.

Q- Which one of the following groups of plants were domesticated in the ‘New World’ and introduced into the ‘Old World’? (2019)

(a) Tobacco, cocoa and rubber

(b) Tobacco, cotton and rubber

(c) Cotton, coffee and sugarcane

(d) Rubber, coffee and wheat

Answer- Option A


Tobacco, cocoa, and rubber were brought to India by Europeans during the late medieval or early modern period, marking examples of plants domesticated in the ‘New World’ and introduced to the ‘Old World’. Originating from South America, these plants were part of the Columbian Exchange, a significant process named after Christopher Columbus.
This exchange involved the widespread transfer of plants, animals, culture, human populations, technology, diseases, and ideas between the Americas, West Africa, and the Old World during the 15th and 16th centuries. Sugar cane, another crop introduced to India, arrived via Austronesian traders, while rubber was native to Brazil. Cotton and wheat, on the other hand, had been cultivated in India since ancient times, with evidence of their presence dating back to the Harappan era.

Q- Consider the following statements: (2019)

  1. Asiatic lion is naturally found in India only
  2. Double-humped camel is naturally found in India only
  3. One-horned rhinoceros is naturally found in India only

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

(a) 1 only

(b) 2 only

(c) 1 and 3 only

(d) 1, 2 and 3

Answer- Option A


Asiatic lions are marginally smaller in size compared to their African counterparts. Currently, Asiatic lions are exclusively found in India, specifically in the Gir National Park and Wildlife Sanctuary. The greater one-horned rhinoceros, on the other hand, inhabits not only India but also southern Nepal, residing in riverine grasslands and adjacent woodland areas. Conversely, the double-humped camel is not indigenous to India; it originates from the Gobi Desert and is also present in cold-desert regions spanning Mongolia, Ladakh in India, China, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and parts of Afghanistan.

Q- Consider the following statements: (2019)

  1. Some species of turtles are herbivores
  2. Some species of fish are herbivores.
  3. Some species of marine mammals are herbivores
  4. Some species of snakes are viviparous

Which of the statements given above are correct?

(a) 1 and 3 only

(b) 2, 3 and 4 only

(c) 2 and 4 only

(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4

Answer- Option D


Herbivores consume plant matter as their primary food source. Examples include deer, fish, turtles, and marine mammals. Snakes that bear live young instead of laying eggs include species such as boas, vipers, and sea snakes, and they are referred to as either viviparous or ovoviviparous snakes.

Q- The word ‘Denisovan’ is sometimes mentioned in media in reference to (2019)

(a) fossils of a kind of dinosaurs

(b) an early human species

(c) a cave system found in North-East India

(d) a geological period in the history of the Indian subcontinent

Answer- Option B


Denisovans, an extinct hominid species, were initially discovered through fossil evidence in 2010. The identification of Denisovan remains includes a jawbone unearthed in the Tibetan Plateau, dating back over 160,000 years, marking the first instance of a Denisovan fossil found beyond the confines of the Siberian cave where they were initially discovered.

Q- Recently, there was a growing awareness in our country about the importance of Himalayan nettle (Girardinia diversifolia) because it is found to be a sustainable source of (2019)

(a) anti-malarial drug

(b) biodiesel

(c) pulp for the paper industry

(d) textile fibre

Answer- Option D


The Himalayan nettle, scientifically known as Girardinia diversifolia, has emerged as a significant source of income for inhabitants residing in the secluded mountainous regions of the Hindu Kush Himalaya.
In particular, a community residing in Khar, situated within the Darchula district in western Nepal, engages in the production of fabrics derived from the Himalayan nettle plant. These fabrics, along with various items crafted from them, are marketed both locally and globally as premium products.

Q- Why is a plant called Prosopis Juliflora often mentioned in the news? (2018)

(a) Its extract is widely used in cosmetics

(b) It tends to reduce the biodiversity in the area in which it grow

(c) Its extract is used in the synthesis of pesticides

(d) None of the above

Answer- Option B


Invasive species are organisms that have extended beyond their native habitats and pose a threat to biodiversity in the ecosystems they have invaded. An example of an invasive species is Prosopis juliflora.

Q- Consider the following (2018)

  1. Birds
  2. Dust blowing
  3. Rain
  4. Wind blowing

Which of the above spread plant diseases?

(a) 1 and 3 only

(b) 3 and 4 only

(c) 1, 2 and 4 only

(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4

Answer- Option D


Birds flying through fields can transfer pathogens from one infected plant to another. Certain plant pathogens can also be transported short distances by wind. Raindrops splashing on plants can spread bacteria, such as in the case of Citrus canker disease. In some regions, rain appears to play a more significant role than insects in spreading bacteria that cause fire blight, as the rain washes or splatters the bacteria. Additionally, soil and agricultural activities contribute to the dissemination of diseases as they generate dust that can carry pathogens.

Q- Due to some reasons if there is a huge fall in the population of a species of butterflies, what could be its likely consequence/consequences? (2017)

  1. Pollination of some plants could be adversely affected
  2. There could be a drastic increase in the fungal infection of some cultivated plants
  3. It could lead to a fall in the population of some species of wasps, spiders and birds

Select the correct answer using the code given below:

(a) 1 only

(b) 2 and 3 only

(c) 1 and 3 only

(d) 1, 2 and 3

Answer- Option C


Butterflies, along with bees, are vital for plant pollination and crop production, as they transfer pollen grains between plants. A significant decline in butterfly species could negatively impact the pollination of certain plants, validating Statement 1.
However, there is no substantiated evidence for a significant rise in fungal infections affecting cultivated plants, hence Statement 2 is incorrect. A decrease in butterfly populations could also lead to a decline in species such as wasps, spiders, and birds, which prey on butterflies, as they would lose a primary food source. This supports Statement 3 as accurate

Q- If you want to see gharials in their natural best habitat, which one of the following is the best place to visit? (2017)

(a) Bhitarkanika Mangroves

(b) Chambal River

(c) Pulicat Lake

(d) Deepor Beel

Answer- Option B


A sanctuary dedicated to the conservation of gharials, freshwater crocodiles, covering an area of 1600 square kilometers, has been established along the Chambal River. During the latest hatching season, which occurs from June to July, over 5,000 gharials (scientific name: Gavialis gangeticus) were born at the National Chambal Sanctuary, located at the confluence of Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, and Rajasthan. Additionally, 400 mugger crocodiles (scientific name: Crocodylus palustris) hatched from eggs within the sanctuary and will soon be released into the river. Scientists have expressed concern that species such as the Red-crowned turtle and birds like the Indian skimmer are more threatened than gharials in this particular stretch of the Chambal River.

Q- What is/are unique about ‘Kharai Camel’, a breed found in India?

  1. It is capable of swimming up to three kilometres in seawater
  2. It survives by grazing on mangroves
  3. It lives in the wild and cannot be domesticated

Select the correct answer using the code given below.

(a) 1 and 2 only

(b) 3 only

(c) 1 and 3 only

(d) 1, 2 and 3

Answer- Option A


Statement 2 is indeed correct as Kharai camels are a distinct breed found exclusively in Kutch, Gujarat, and they rely on mangroves as their main food source.
Statement 1 is also accurate, as these camels are known to swim up to three kilometers into the sea to access mangroves.
However, statement 3 is incorrect as it implies that Kharai camels cannot be domesticated, whereas they are indeed domesticated and utilized for their milk and economic value from selling male calves. These camels are highly valued by graziers in the arid coastal regions of Kutch due to their ability to thrive in both terrestrial and aquatic environments.

Q- Recently, our scientists have discovered a new and distinct species of banana plant which attains a height of about 11 metres and has orange-coloured fruit pulp. In which part of India has it been discovered? (2016)

(a) Andaman Islands

(b) Anaimalai Forests

(c) Maikal Hills

(d) Tropical rain forests of northeast

Answer- Option A


Musa indandamanensis, a new and distinct sweet species of banana with orange pulp, has been discovered in the Andaman islands by the Botanical Survey of India (BSI).

Q- With reference to ‘Red Sanders’, sometimes seen in the news, consider the following statements: (2016)

  1. It is a tree species found in a part of South India
  2. It is one of the most important trees in the tropical rainforest areas of South India

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

(a) 1 only

(b) 2 only

(c) Both 1 and 2

(d) Neither 1 nor 2

Answer- Option A


Pterocarpus santalinus, commonly known as Red Sanders, Red Saunders, Red Sandalwood, Rakt Chandan, and Saunderswood, is a species of Pterocarpus that is native to the southern Eastern Ghats mountain range of South India, verifying statement 1. While it is predominantly found in Andhra Pradesh, it thrives in dry, hot climates and is not typically cultivated in tropical rainforests, contradicting statement 2. Typically thriving at altitudes ranging from 150 to 900 meters, Red Sanders prefers dry, hilly terrain, often characterized by rocky soil, and is typically found in areas with lateritic and gravelly soil compositions, while being intolerant to waterlogging.

Q- With reference to ‘dugong’, a mammal found in India, which of the following statements is/are correct? (2015)

  1. It is a herbivorous marine animal
  2. It is found along the entire coast of India
  3. It is given legal protection under Schedule 1 of the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972

Select the correct answer using the code given below.

a) 1 and 2

b) 2 only

c) 1 and 3

d) 3 only

Answer- Option C


The Dugong, scientifically known as Dugong dugon and colloquially referred to as the ‘Sea Cow,‘ represents one of the four surviving species in the Order Sirenia. It is distinctive as the sole existing herbivorous mammal exclusively inhabiting marine environments, including those within India. Protected status is afforded to Dugongs in India, where they are found in various regions such as the Gulf of Mannar, Palk Bay, Gulf of Kutch, and the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
While once abundant in Indian waters, the Dugong population has dwindled to approximately 200 individuals, with ongoing declines in both numbers and distribution. Given its significance as a flagship species within its habitat range, efforts to conserve the Dugong are inherently linked to coastal conservation initiatives. To address the declining populations of Dugongs in India, the Ministry of Environment, Forests, and Climate Change, under the Government of India, established a ‘Task Force for Conservation of Dugongs.’ This task force aims to address various issues related to Dugong conservation and the implementation of the UNEP/CMS Dugong MoU within India.
Dugongs are afforded protection under Schedule I of the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972, and they hold a Vulnerable status on the IUCN Red List.

Q- Which one of the following is the national aquatic animal of India? (2015)

(a)Saltwater crocodile

(b) Olive ridley turtle

(c) Gangetic dolphin

(d) Gharial

Answer- Option C


The Ganges River Dolphin has been designated as the National Aquatic Animal of India by the Ministry of Environment and Forests. This declaration underscores the significance of the river dolphin in India’s aquatic ecosystems. It is emblematic of the purity associated with the sacred Ganga River, as its survival is contingent upon clean and unpolluted waters.

Q- Which of the following phenomena might have influenced the evolution of organisms? (2014)
1. Continental drift
2. Glacial cycles
Select the correct answer using the code given below.
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2

Answer- Option C


The evolution of organisms on the Earth has been influenced by both continental drift and glacial cycles.

Q- Other than poaching, what are the possible reasons for the decline in the population of Ganges River Dolphins? (2014)

  1. Construction of dams and barrages on rivers
  2. Increase in the population of crocodiles in rivers
  3. Getting trapped in fishing nets accidentally
  4. Use of synthetic fertilizers and other agricultural chemicals in crop-fields in the vicinity of rivers
    Select the correct answer using the code given below.
    (a) 1 and 2 only
    (b) 2 and 3 only
    (c) 1, 3 and 4 only
    (d) 1, 2, 3 and 4

Answer- Option C


The increase in the crocodile population in the river does not contribute to the decline in the Ganges River Dolphins. Hence, Statement 2 is incorrect.
The primary threat to Ganges River Dolphins stems from the construction of dams for irrigation and electricity generation, which degrades their habitat and disrupts seasonal migration patterns. Over the past century, the population of Ganges River Dolphins has drastically declined to less than 2000 due to factors such as direct killing, habitat fragmentation caused by dams and barrages, and indiscriminate fishing.
Designated as India’s national aquatic animal, the Ganges River Dolphin, affectionately known as ‘Susu,’ was declared as such in the National Ganga River Basin Authority’s (NGRBA) inaugural meeting in 2009. National Dolphin Day is observed annually on April 14th.

Q- Consider the following : (2014)

  1. Bats
  2. Bears
  3. Rodents

The phenomenon of hibernation can be observed in which of the above kinds of animals?

(a) 1 and 2 only

(b) 2 only

(c) 1, 2 and 3

(d) Hibernation cannot be observed in any of the above

Answer- Option C


Hibernation is a common phenomenon among the animals listed above. It entails a period of reduced metabolic activity and overall inactivity typically occurring during the winter season. This state enables animals to conserve energy and is essential for their survival.

Q- If you walk through the countryside, you are likely to see some birds stalking alongside the cattle to seize the insects disturbed by their movement through grasses. Which of the following is /are such bird/birds? (2014)

  1. Painted Stork
  2. Common Myna
  3. Black-necked Crane

Select the correct answer using the code given below.

(a) 1 and 2

(b) 2 only

(c) 2 and 3

(d) 3 only

Answer- Option B


The Common Myna is highly adaptable and thrives in urban environments, feeding opportunistically on insects and taking advantage of disturbances caused by grazing cattle. Therefore 1 statement is accurate.
However, the Painted Stork primarily feeds on fish and does not typically consume insects, making statement 2 incorrect. Additionally, while the Black-necked Crane is indeed found in the Trans-Himalayan region, including areas like Arunachal Pradesh and Ladakh, it is unlikely to be encountered while walking through the countryside in all states and places, rendering statement 3 inaccurate.

Q- Lichens, which are capable of initiating ecological succession even on a bare rock, are actually a symbiotic association of (2014)

(a) algae and bacteria

(b) algae and fungi

(c) bacteria and fungi

(d) fungi and mosses

Answer- Option B


A lichen is a composite organism formed through a symbiotic relationship between a fungus and an algae or cyanobacteria. They serve as indicators of environmental factors such as air and water pollution, heavy metal presence, and even radioactive particles. The field dedicated to the study of lichens is known as Lichenology. Lichens are capable of initiating ecological succession, often being the first organisms to colonize bare rock surfaces, earning them the designation of pioneer colonizers of such environments.

Q- With reference to Neem tree, consider the following statements: (2014)

  1. Neem oil can be used as a pesticide to control the proliferation of some species of insects and mites
  2. Neem seeds are used in the manufacture of biofuels and hospital detergents
  3. Neem oil has applications in the pharmaceutical industry

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

(a) 1 and 2 only

(b) 3 only

(c) 1 and 3 only

(d) 1, 2 and 3

Answer- Option C


Azadirachta indica, commonly known as the neem tree, belongs to the mahogany family Meliaceae and can reach heights of up to 30 meters with a girth of 2.5 meters. Its deep-rooted nature allows it to propagate easily through various means such as seeds, seedlings, saplings, root suckers, or tissue culture.
The neem leaf possesses numerous medicinal properties, including antibacterial, antiviral, antiparasitic, anti-inflammatory, anticarcinogenic, antioxidant, and immune-boosting effects, making it a valuable resource for the pharmaceutical industry.
Neem oil extracted from the seeds serves as a natural pesticide to control the proliferation of certain insect and mite species. It also finds applications in treating skin diseases and digestive disorders. However, the use of neem seeds in biofuels and hospital detergents is not widely recognized.

Q- Consider the following (2013)

  1. Star tortoise
  2. Monitor lizard
  3. Pygmy hog
  4. Spider monkey

Which of the above is found in India?

(a) 1, 2 and 3 only

(b) 2 and 3 only

(c) 1 and 4 only

(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4

Answer- Option A


The Indian Star Tortoise, scientifically known as Geochelone elegans, is a reptile facing endangerment primarily due to the pet trade. In 2019, it was listed in CITES Appendix I, indicating its risk of extinction. The species inhabits India, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka.

The Bengal Monitor Lizard, or Common Indian Monitor, identified as Varanus bengalensis, is distributed across Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Burma, India, Iran, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. It is categorized under CITES Appendix I and Schedule I of the Wildlife Protection Act, 1972. This reptile is targeted for medicinal and consumptive purposes.

The Pygmy Hog, known scientifically as Porcula salvania, is a mammal listed as endangered on the IUCN Red List and protected under Schedule I of the Wildlife Protection Act, 1972. As the sole member of its genus, it is particularly crucial for conservation efforts, with its habitat mainly focused on the Manas National Park in Assam.

The Spider Monkey, belonging to the Ateles genus, is native to the tropical forests of Central and South America. Within the Ateles genus, seven species exist, with one being vulnerable, five endangered, and the brown spider monkey critically endangered according to the IUCN Red List.

Q- Consider the following animals: (2013)

  1. Sea cow
  2. Sea horse
  3. Sea lion

Which of the above is/are mammal/mammals?

(a) 1 only

(b) 1 and 3 only

(c) 2 and 3 only

(d) 1, 2 and 3

Answer- Option B


Sea Cow, scientifically known as Hydrodamalis gigas, is also referred to as Stellar’s Sea Cow and is an extinct sirenian species. It belonged to the family Dugongidae, with the Dugong being its only living relative. Sea Cows were herbivorous aquatic creatures.

Sea Horse, classified under the class Actinopterygii and the genus Hippocampus of Pisces (fish), derives its name from its head and neck resembling those of a horse. This bony fish is characterized by its distinctive features such as a snouted neck, bent neck, trunk, and curled prehensile tail.

Sea Lion, belonging to the family Otariidae within the class Mammalia, is a carnivorous aquatic mammal. The largest of all Sea Lions is the Stellar Sea Lion. Endangered species of Sea Lions include the Australian Sea Lion, Galapagos Sea Lion, and New Zealand Sea Lion.

Mammals, a class of Chordates, are characterized by being warm-blooded animals that give birth to their young, except for monotremes. They possess mammary glands for nursing their offspring and have skin with hair, sebaceous glands, and sweat glands. Mammals also have cervical vertebrae, a dicondylic skull, and 12 pairs of cranial nerves.

Q- Consider the following organisms (2013)

  1. Agaricus
  2. Nostoc
  3. Spirogyra

Which of the above is/are used as biofertilizer/biofertilizers

(a) 1 and 2

(b) 2 only

(e) 2 and 3

(d) 3 only

Answer- Option B


Agaricus refers to a type of mushroom, with many species being edible. Spirogyra is commonly found in various aquatic habitats such as ponds, pools, and ditches, where it is often known as pond-scum or water silk due to its slippery texture. While Spirogyra is not typically utilized as a biofertilizer, its presence may compete with plants if introduced into agricultural settings.
On the other hand, Nostoc is capable of fixing atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia, which can then be utilized by plants for growth. When environmental conditions become dry, free-living forms of Nostoc desiccate, but they can rehydrate to perform photosynthesis and nitrogen fixation, showcasing the potential of Nostoc as a sustainable biofertilizer.

Q- In which of the following States is lion-tailed macaque found in its natural habitat? (2013)

  1. Tamil Nadu
  2. Kerala
  3. Karnataka
  4. Andhra Pradesh

Select the correct answer using the codes given below.

(a) 1, 2 and 3 only

(b) 2 only

(c) 1, 3 and 4 only

(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4

Answer- Option A


The lion-tailed macaque, according to the IUCN Red List, inhabits regions within India, specifically in the states of Karnataka, Kerala, and Tamil Nadu. This primate species is exclusive to the Western Ghats. Despite having a broad distribution, its habitat is restricted and fragmented. The lion-tailed macaque is predominantly active during the day and is often found in the upper levels of primary tropical rainforests. It may also inhabit monsoon forests within mountainous areas and areas with disturbed forest cover.

Q- With reference to the food chains in ecosystems, which of the following kinds of organisms is/are known as decomposer organism/organisms? (2013)

  1. Virus
  2. Fungi
  3. Bacteria

Select the correct answer using the codes given below.

(a) 1 only

(b) 2 and 3 only

(c) 1 and 3 only

(d) 1, 2 and 3

Answer- Option B


Both bacteria and fungi are recognized as decomposer organisms. Bacteria play a crucial role in decomposition, capable of breaking down various organic materials. Meanwhile, fungi are considered primary decomposers, possessing the ability to decompose surface organisms as well as penetrate deeply into organic matter.

Q- Consider the following fauna of India: (2013)

  1. Gharial
  2. Leatherback turtle
  3. Swamp deer

Which of the above is/are endangered?

(a) 1 and 2 only

(b) 3 only

(c) 1, 2 and 3

(d) None

Answer- Option A


Gharial and Leatherback Turtle have been listed in IUCN Critically Endangered species. Swamp Deer is categorized as Vulnerable species by IUCN.

Also read about UPSC PYQ on Environmental Laws and Environmental Convention.

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