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UPSC Preparation strategy for working professionals

Constraints faced by working people for IAS preparation

  • First and foremost, let us address the issue of availability of time for a working professional, which actually is the major dissuading factor for many. There is no denying the fact that a working professional is relatively more taxed for time compared to an aspirant who is non-working and hence has all the time in the world for preparations. 
  • Other than just time, working professionals also face lack of energy and focus required for IAS preparation owing to their daily commute to office, working 8-9 hours a day while juggling between various projects and peoples’ expectations both at work and on family front.

The above challenges may make it seem hard to manage both job & IAS preparation simultaneously. Anyone following results of Civil Services exam would have noticed that working professionals have been cracking the IAS exam relatively well.

Benefits of IAS preparation while working

The reasons for their better results are: –

  • Limited time and resources is a blessing in disguise: Since time is limited, working people restrict their preparations from limited/single source unlike many aspirants who tend to refer to multiple resources and end nowhere.
  • Job security: Working people do not worry about earning their livelihood, about fall back plans, time slipping through their fingers etc. all of which makes them more focused while studying and confident to face the challenge of UPSC.
  • Self-confidence of a working professional is better than the other competitors. Obviously this is by virtue of having work experience and exposure to professional world.
  • Financial support: Working professionals have the luxury of preparing for exam over a longer time span, at their own pace, since there is no financial pressure on them to sustain themselves. They can invest in best IAS coaching which many other aspirants cannot afford.

With right time management skillspreparation strategy and guidance available in form of online IAS coaching, working people can overcome all constraints and crack the IAS exam. 

IAS exam preparation Guidelines for working people

The reasons for their better results are: –

  • Limited time and resources is a blessing in disguise: Since time is limited, working people restrict their preparations from limited/single source unlike many aspirants.
  • Job security: Working people do not worry about earning their livelihood, time slipping through their fingers etc. all of which makes them more focused while studying to face the challenge of UPSC.
  • Self-confidence of a working professional is better than the other competitors. Obviously this is by virtue of having work experience and exposure to professional world.
  • Financial support: Working professionals have the luxury of preparing for exam over a longer time span since there is no financial pressure on them. They can invest in best IAS coaching which many other aspirants cannot afford.

With time management skillspreparation strategy and guidance available, working people can overcome all constraints and crack the IAS exam.

UPSC Stragey

Online IAS coaching for working professionals

SaralUPSC IAS General Studies Integrated Foundation course, delivered through Live-Online classes, with video back up, has been specifically designed keeping in view requirements of working professionals. 

Important highlights of this course are:

  1. Weekend Live-online Classes: Lectures will be telecast live on Sat and Sunday.  Weekend classes will give you ample time to consolidate and revise what has been taught in the week after. 
  2. Flexibility to catch up on classes: Although lectures will be streamed real time, these lectures will also be made available as recorded lectures which can be easily accessed by working professionals at the time of their choosing. 
  3. Duration of 14 months with post classes support through test series and quality improvement program (QIP): This way, aspirants can learn at an easy pace while tending to the responsibilities of their jobs/studies alongside. 
  4. Doubts Solving: Doubs can be asked within the live online class or even afterwards using the class discussion forum.
  5. Peer Learning: Interact with Rau’s experts and fellow UPSC aspirants to discuss your ideas and get your doubts cleared.

Lastly, one must understand that each person’s motivation and path taken to achieve the set goal is different. One must never compare himself/herself self to anyone else. Every aspirant would have some strengths and some weaknesses too. Don’t ever forget the uniqueness of your own journey. Have faith in that uniqueness!

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