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Parliamentary Forum

In the vast landscape of India’s governance, the parliamentary forum emerges as a pivotal arena where policies are debated, laws are formulated, and the nation’s democratic fabric is woven. For UPSC aspirants, comprehending the intricacies of the parliamentary forum is not just essential; it’s indispensable.

The system of Parliamentary forums was introduced by the former Speaker of the Lok Sabha, Somnath Chatterjee, on May 12, 2005. The inaugural forum focused on water conservation, and subsequently, seven additional forums were established.

Currently, there are eight Parliamentary forums, with the Secretary-General of the Lok Sabha serving as the Secretary to these forums. It is important to note that these forums do not infringe upon or interfere with the authority of the Departmentally-Related Standing Committees.

Key Parliamentary Forums

  • Water conservation and management (2005)
  • Youth (2006)
  • Children (2006)
  • Population and Public Health (2006)
  • Global Warming and Climate Change (2008)
  • Disaster Management (2011)
  • Artisans and Crafts-people (2013)
  • Millennium Development Goals (2013)

Objective of Parliamentary Forum

  • Establishing Parliamentary Forums aims to facilitate discussions among Members of Parliament, relevant Ministers, experts, and key officials from nodal Ministries, with a focus on accelerating the implementation of crucial topics.
  • These forums aim to raise awareness among MPs about pressing issues and provide them with up-to-date information, technical expertise, and valuable insights from experts, both domestically and internationally, to enable effective advocacy in parliamentary proceedings and committee meetings.
  • The creation of a comprehensive database is integral to the forums, gathering information from relevant Ministries, NGOs, newspapers, international organizations like the United Nations, and the internet. This data is then disseminated to MPs to enrich discussions and enable informed questioning of experts and ministry officials during forum sessions.
  • The forums serve as platforms for MPs to engage in focused and meaningful discussions on critical issues, interact with concerned ministers, experts, and officials, and ultimately drive a result-oriented approach towards addressing these challenges.

Composition of Parliamentary Forums

  • The Speaker of the Lok Sabha serves as the ex-officio President of all forums except the Parliamentary Forum on Population and Public Health. For this forum, the Chairman of the Rajya Sabha holds the position of ex-officio President, with the Speaker of the Lok Sabha serving as the ex-officio Co-President.
  • Additionally, the Deputy Chairman of the Rajya Sabha and the Deputy Speaker of the Lok Sabha, along with the relevant Ministers and Chairpersons of the respective Departmentally Related Standing Committees, are ex-officio Vice-Presidents of the Forum.
  • Each Forum comprises a total of no more than 31 members, excluding the President, Co-President, and Vice-Presidents.
  • Out of these members, a maximum of 21 can be from the Lok Sabha, while no more than 10 can be from the Rajya Sabha.

Nomination of members of the forum

  • Members of the Forums are nominated by the Speaker of the Lok Sabha and the Chairman of the Rajya Sabha. These members may include Leaders of Parties and Groups or their nominees who possess specialized knowledge or a keen interest in the subject matter.
  • Additionally, experts in relevant fields are invited to participate in the forums as Special Invitees. They contribute by sharing their views and presenting papers during meetings and seminars.
  • The Secretary-General of the Lok Sabha serves as the Secretary of these forums, which are supported by the Lok Sabha Secretariat.

Term of Office

The term of office for members of the Forum aligns with their tenure in the respective Houses of Parliament.

Members have the option to resign from the Forum by submitting a written resignation addressed to the Chairman of the Rajya Sabha or the Speaker of the Lok Sabha, depending on their affiliation.

Function of Forum:

Parliamentary Forum on Water Conservation and Management
  • The functions of the Parliamentary Forum on Water Conservation and Management are as follows:
  • Identifying issues concerning water conservation and management and providing suggestions or recommendations for consideration.
  • Developing effective strategies to engage legislators in efforts to preserve and improve water resources within their states and constituencies.
  • Conducting awareness workshops or seminars focused on the conservation and management of water resources.
Parliamentary Forum on Children
  • Raise awareness among Parliamentarians regarding critical issues concerning children and their well-being.
  • Establish a platform for the exchange of ideas, views, experiences, and best practices related to children through seminars and workshops.
  • Facilitate engagement with civil society organizations, media, and corporate sectors to effectively highlight children’s issues and foster strategic partnerships.
  • Establish standardized communication channels with specialized agencies such as the UN, UNICEF, and other multilateral organizations to address children’s issues collaboratively.
Parliamentary Forum on Youth
  • Facilitate targeted discussions on utilizing the human potential of youth to expedite development efforts.
  • Enhance awareness among public leaders and grassroots communities about the youth’s ability to drive socioeconomic transformations.
  • Explore methods to expand parliamentary outreach to diverse youth demographics, fostering confidence in democratic institutions.
  • Engage with experts and scholars, both nationally and internationally, to reevaluate public policies concerning youth empowerment.
Parliamentary Forum on Population and Public Health
  • Organize targeted dialogues on strategies for population stabilization and associated concerns.
  • Deliberate and strategize on matters pertaining to public health.
  • Promote awareness of population control and public health across all segments of society, particularly at the grassroots level.
  • Engage in comprehensive discussions on population and public health with professionals at national and international levels, as well as interact with academics, governmental bodies, and multilateral organizations such as the World Health Organization and the United Nations Population Fund.
Parliamentary Forum on Global Warming and Climate Change
  • Identify concerns related to global warming and climate change and provide guidance or suggestions for relevant government or organizations to address and implement necessary actions.
  • Explore methods to engage legislators in dialogues with experts from national and international organizations focused on combating global warming and climate change. This aims to expedite the development of innovative technologies aimed at mitigating global warming.
Parliamentary Forum on Disaster Management
  • Identify issues pertaining to disaster management and provide advice or recommendations to relevant government entities or organizations on mitigating the impacts of disasters.
  • Explore avenues for involving members of parliament in the advancement of new technologies aimed at reducing the impact of disasters, through engagement with experts from national and international bodies focused on disaster management.
  • Conduct workshops and seminars to educate parliamentarians about the causes and consequences of disasters.
  • Determine effective approaches for integrating parliamentarians into disaster management awareness initiatives.

Also read about Parliamentary Committees and Cabinet Committees.

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