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Home » Day 14 of 120 days of UPSC Prelims 2024 – Nobel Prize in Medicine or Physiology

Day 14 of 120 days of UPSC Prelims 2024 – Nobel Prize in Medicine or Physiology

The 2023 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine has been awarded to Hungarian biochemist Katalin Karikó and American physician-scientist Drew Weissman for discoveries concerning nucleoside base modification that enabled the development of effective mRNA vaccines against COVID- 19 and can be used to develop other shots. Immune System:

Our immune system act as a superhero team that guards our body. This team comprises various types of specialised cells and molecules, each with a unique role, working together to maintain our health. They are like the first responders of our body.

Components of Immune System: White Blood Cells (WBCs): Real Life Superheroes

  • WBCs, such as neutrophils and lymphocytes: They act as the superheroes of our immune system. Neutrophils are fast-acting warriors, while lymphocytes, like T-cells and B-cells, act as strategists. T-cells target infected cells directly, whereas B-cells produce antibodies.

Lymph Nodes: The Headquarters

  • Lymph nodes: These act as the headquarters for the immune system, akin to command centers where superheroes gather to coordinate their efforts and get trained to recognize different types of germs.

Antibodies: The Weapon

  • Antibodies: These are the weapons superheroes use. These tailor-made proteins neutralize or destroy specific germs, preventing them from causing harm.

Adaptive Immunity: The War Memory

  • Adaptive Immunity: It is like a war memory leading to a trained response. It involves antigen-specific lymphocytes triggering responses and developing immunological memory, also known as acquired immune responses.

mRNA: The Head Chef

  • Transcription: This is the process of transferring genetic instructions in DNA to mRNA (Messenger-RNA). It happens in the nucleus of the cell, where a strand of mRNA complementary to a strand of DNA is made.
  • Translation: This process involves reading the genetic code in mRNA to make a protein. It occurs on ribosomes, where the mRNA sequence is read to synthesize proteins as per the given instructions.


  • Goal of a Vaccine: The aim is to train the immune system to react to a harmless version or part of a germ, strengthening its defenses by generating antibodies, akin to how it responds to an actual disease.
  • mRNA Vaccine: This type of vaccine harnesses cellular machinery directly by instructing cells to synthesize specific proteins, triggering immune responses that prepare the body to defend against potential future attacks.

Advantages of mRNA Vaccine

  • Large-scale adaptability: The technology allows for easy modification of the vaccine’s genetic code to match different pathogens or variants.
  • Quick response and speedy development: mRNA vaccines can be developed rapidly once the genetic sequence of the pathogen is known, as demonstrated during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Specificity: These vaccines can target specific antigens, leading to highly targeted immune responses against particular pathogens or diseases.
  • Immunological Memory: The immune system retains memory of encountered antigens, enabling faster and more effective responses upon future exposure.
  • Innovation: This approach holds promise for addressing a wide range of diseases, including cancer, beyond infectious diseases.

Potential Risks

  • Unstable: mRNA vaccines may be unstable at high temperatures, posing challenges for packaging and distribution.
  • Unknown Long-term Effects: While early studies show positive results, the long-term effects of mRNA vaccines are still unknown.
  • Clinical Trial Requirements: Despite rapid design and production, necessary clinical trials to evaluate safety and efficacy require several months.

The success of mRNA vaccines against COVID-19 suggests a promising future for rapidly developing vaccines against new threats and exploring potential treatments for various diseases using similar strategies.

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