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Article 332 of the Indian Constitution: UPSC 2025 Notes

Actual Article

Article 332: Representation of the Anglo-Indian community in the Legislative Assemblies of States

Notwithstanding anything in Article 170, the Legislative Assembly of every State shall, as far as practicable, provide for the representation of the Anglo-Indian community, and the President may, if he is of opinion that the Anglo-Indian community is not adequately represented in the Legislative Assembly of a State, nominate such number of members of that community to the Assembly as he thinks fit.

UPSC Notes for Article 332


  • Representation in State Assemblies: Article 332 provides for the representation of the Anglo-Indian community in the Legislative Assemblies of States. It empowers the President to nominate members of this community if they are not adequately represented.
  • Discretionary Nomination: The President’s power to nominate members is discretionary and is exercised based on the assessment of the community’s representation in the State Assembly.

Key Points:

  • Application to State Assemblies: This article specifically addresses the nomination of Anglo-Indians to State Legislative Assemblies, ensuring that this community has a voice at the state level.
  • Presidential Discretion: The President’s decision is based on their opinion regarding the adequacy of representation of the Anglo-Indian community, similar to the provision in Article 331 for the Lok Sabha.
  • No Fixed Number: Unlike Article 331, Article 332 does not specify the exact number of members to be nominated, leaving it to the President’s discretion.

Important Cases and Commissions Related to Article 332


  • No landmark Supreme Court cases specifically interpreting Article 332, but cases related to minority representation and the powers of the President may provide some context.


  • National Commission for Minorities: Continues to address issues related to the representation and welfare of the Anglo-Indian community.
  • State Minorities Commissions: Also play a role in ensuring the rights and representation of minorities, including the Anglo-Indian community, at the state level.

Important Reports Related to Article 332:

  • Reports by the National Commission for Minorities: Focus on ensuring adequate representation and addressing the issues faced by minority communities, including the Anglo-Indian community.
  • Reports by State Minorities Commissions: Highlight specific issues and recommendations concerning minority representation in state legislatures.

Previous Year Prelims Questions Related to Article 332

  1. (UPSC Prelims 2014) Under Article 332 of the Indian Constitution, who has the power to nominate members of the Anglo-Indian community to the Legislative Assembly of a State if they are not adequately represented?
    A. Prime Minister
    B. President
    C. Governor
    D. Speaker of the Legislative Assembly Correct Answer: B. President
  2. (UPSC Prelims 2016) According to Article 332, what is the condition for the nomination of Anglo-Indian members to a State Legislative Assembly?
    A. Only if the community requests
    B. If the President deems the community not adequately represented
    C. Based on the majority party’s recommendation
    D. If the State Government passes a resolution Correct Answer: B. If the President deems the community not adequately represented

Previous Year Mains Questions Related to Article 332

  1. Mains 2017: “Examine the significance of Article 332 in ensuring the representation of the Anglo-Indian community in State Legislative Assemblies. Discuss the impact of this provision on the political inclusion of minorities.”
  2. Mains 2019: “Discuss the constitutional provisions under Article 332 for the nomination of Anglo-Indians to State Legislative Assemblies. How do these provisions support the representation of minority communities in the Indian political system?”

Additional Insights:

  • Historical Context: Article 332 reflects the historical context and the unique status of the Anglo-Indian community, ensuring their representation in state legislatures.
  • Promoting Inclusivity: The provision is a measure to promote inclusivity in the legislative process at the state level, ensuring that minority communities are not marginalized.

Understanding Article 332 is crucial for UPSC aspirants as it emphasizes the importance of minority representation at the state level, complementing the provisions for national representation in Article 331. This knowledge is vital for both the preliminary and main examinations, offering a comprehensive understanding of the mechanisms ensuring the political participation of all communities in India.

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